Monday 21 November 2011

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 5

'Britain on high alert during Olympics with terror threat classified as 'severe'

Britain's security services will be on high alert during the Olympics with the terror threat to be classified at 'severe' despite the level being downgraded by the Government this week.
Home Secretary Theresa May announced that the assessment of a terrorist attack had been lowered to 'substantial' which means that the risk of an attack is considered a strong possibility and could occur without further warning.

Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson said Tuesday that the planning assumption for the Games remains that the threat will be at severe - the second highest classification, meaning an attack is highly likely.
Earlier this month Police began testing Olympic venues against all potential terrorist threats, including from Irish dissidents and Islamists.

Dry run: The security forces are already preparing their response to any terror threat
Dry run: The security forces are already preparing their response to any terror threat

Next summer's Games are predicted to be Britain's biggest peacetime security operation, with the government setting aside a budget of £600million for the security operation.
Fans will face airport-style security before being allowed into venues, with queuing taking between 15 and 20 minutes during peak times.
The showpiece event will coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Munich Olympics, when 11 Israeli team members died after being held hostage by Palestinian gunmen.'

an extract from the dayly mail via online website.

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