Monday 21 November 2011

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 6

4,200 athletes from 160 countries are expected to attend with 471 medal events on the programme.

There are currently 196 independent countries or States around the world. Territories of countries or individual parts of a country are not countries in their own right.

'In the last three Paralympic Games (Beijing 2008, Athens 2004 and Sydney 2000) Paralympics GB has never finished lower than second in the medal table. Beijing 2008 was the most successful Paralympic Games ever for Paralympics GB with a final tally of 42 gold medals.
More than half, 55 per cent, of the British Paralympic team in Beijing in 2008 were at their first Games, making London 2012 a fantastic prospect for more medals.'

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 5

'Britain on high alert during Olympics with terror threat classified as 'severe'

Britain's security services will be on high alert during the Olympics with the terror threat to be classified at 'severe' despite the level being downgraded by the Government this week.
Home Secretary Theresa May announced that the assessment of a terrorist attack had been lowered to 'substantial' which means that the risk of an attack is considered a strong possibility and could occur without further warning.

Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson said Tuesday that the planning assumption for the Games remains that the threat will be at severe - the second highest classification, meaning an attack is highly likely.
Earlier this month Police began testing Olympic venues against all potential terrorist threats, including from Irish dissidents and Islamists.

Dry run: The security forces are already preparing their response to any terror threat
Dry run: The security forces are already preparing their response to any terror threat

Next summer's Games are predicted to be Britain's biggest peacetime security operation, with the government setting aside a budget of £600million for the security operation.
Fans will face airport-style security before being allowed into venues, with queuing taking between 15 and 20 minutes during peak times.
The showpiece event will coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Munich Olympics, when 11 Israeli team members died after being held hostage by Palestinian gunmen.'

an extract from the dayly mail via online website.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Children's Drama pre-Production basic's.

Scene One
  • The three main characters are introduced with a walking to schoo scene
  • Sue Collins walking super fast to school,Thomas Williams walks to school and turns invisible to avoid the bullies, William Jacobs getting a lift from his mum and doing this hair and looking in the mirror
  • All three kids meet outside the school and run in late
Scene Two
  • Get to lesson late
  • the supply teacher is taking out the CD of the player and all the children are silent and still
  • They all answer the question at the same time
Scene Three
  • They are suspicious so Thomas stays in the class to hear the supply teachers plan and almost gets court
  • the other two wait for him and when the gets out he tells them what he heard
Scene Four
  • As the teacher leaves they all get seen and run to the roof to shut down the satellite
Scene Five
  • The teacher gets taken away for impersonating a teacher and we see the children walk passed him getting put in the police car
Scene One – between houses and school
Scene Two – Maths classroom
Scene Three – Outside classroom and inside classroom
Scene Four – School corridor and roof
Scene Five – Outside school
Props needed per scene
Scene One – School clothes and car
Scene Two – Classroom equipment
Scene Three – Villians assistant costume
Scene Four – Clear corridor
Scene Five – Police car and flash lights
Character profiles

Hannah Williams- invisibility power, Has lots of allergies, very shy, has no brothers or sisters

Sue Collins – Super fast, is stubbern, strong willed, leader

William Jacobs – Super smart, very relaxed, but a little big headed

interview techniques (fail) matt.

if you can get a reaction from your interviewer like on the video you have the job.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Childrens drama pitch presentation

slide 1
The Mischievous teacher.
By: Jordan, Damian, Adam & Kieran.

slide 2Characters
Tommy Knight -  William 

Daryl Sabara - Thomas

Keira Knightley - Sue 

Robin Williams – Professor Leech

Slide 3
Todorov’s Theory.
Three friends walk to school together.
Secret song by the villain school teacher, that hypnotizes children.Thomas, who has powers of invisibility, sneaks into teachers office, and listens to teachers plansto destroy everyone.Friends team up, and use there powers to stop the teachers plan.friends successfully defeat the teacher, and things go back to normal.

Slide 4
 Restricted narration is the contents of the programme not being obvious or the information told.
Our children's drama is subjective, this is where you only see what the characters are doing, you
don’t hear or see their thoughts & memories.
We are using episodic modular narrative, this is a series of short tales that are unconnected.

Slide 5
Codes & Conventions
Codes- The things you expect to see.
Conventions- What you expect to happen.

Slide 6
Target Audience.
 “The Mischievous teacher” is going to be targeted at children ranging from 6-11.
Slide 7

Who is doing what

In our children's drama, we have included three main characters, played by children.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 3

past, present, future
1896 - Athens, Greece
1900 - Paris, France
1904 - St. Louis, United States
1908 - London, United Kingdom
1912 - Stockholm, Sweden
1916 - Scheduled for Berlin, Germany*
1920 - Antwerp, Belgium
1924 - Paris, France
1928 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
1932 - Los Angeles, United States
1936 - Berlin, Germany
1940 - Scheduled for Tokyo, Japan*
1944 - Scheduled for London, United Kingdom* 1948 - London, United Kingdom
1952 - Helsinki, Finland
1956 - Melbourne, Australia
1960 - Rome, Italy
1964 - Tokyo, Japan
1968 - Mexico City, Mexico
1972 - Munich, West Germany (now Germany)
1976 - Montreal, Canada
1980 - Moscow, U.S.S.R. (now Russia)
1984 - Los Angeles, United States
1988 - Seoul, South Korea
1992 - Barcelona, Spain
1996 - Atlanta, United States
2000 - Sydney, Australia
2004 - Athens, Greece
2008 - Beijing, China
2012 - London, United Kingdom
2016 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Winter Olympic Games Sites
year      -   host city

1924 - Chamonix, France
1928 - St. Moritz, Switzerland
1932 - Lake Placid, N.Y., United States
1936 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
1940 - Scheduled for Sapporo, Japan*
1944 - Scheduled for Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy*
1948 - St. Moritz, Switzerland
1952 - Oslo, Norway
1956 - Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
1960 - Squaw Valley, California, United States
1964 - Innsbruck, Austria
1968 - Grenoble, France
1972 - Sapporo, Japan
1976 - Innsbruck, Austria
1980 - Lake Placid, New York, United States
1984 - Sarajevo, Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina)
1988 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1992 - Albertville, France**
1994 - Lillehammer, Norway**
1998 - Nagano, Japan
2002 - Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
2006 - Torino (Turin), Italy
2010 - Vancouver, Canada
2014 - Sochi, Russia
2018 - Pyeongchang, South Korea

When the world wars were taking place the Olympics where postponed due to the war meaning traval beetween Countries would be to dangerouse as athletes did not wish to become casualty's of war nore prisoners of war. this affected Summer Olympic Games were not held in 1916, 1940, and 1944. Winter Olympic Games were not held in 1940 and 1944.
in 1992 the games where held at Albertville, France and a short time of two years later in Lillehammer, Norway the Winter games where held again this was to put the sumer and winter games to alternate every two years. this was also a good tourism move as people can now attend both rather then one or the other.

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 4

the 2012 Olympics mascots.
The mascots where created by two drops of steel from the olympic stadium, they were then coloured in by a rainbow but Wenlock is the Olympic mascot and Mandeville is the Paralympic's mascot
it is said they are a mix of sonic the hedgehog and mike from monsters inc.

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 2

For the London 2012 Olympics there is a estimated 205 nations taking part in the Olympics that the world will be watching. this event takes place with around 300 events to take part in, from swimming, gymnastics, trampolining and many others.

The London 2012 Olympic Games will feature 26 sports, which break down into 39 disciplines these are Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Boxing, Canoe Slalom, Canoe Sprint, Cycling - BMX, Cycling - Mountain Bike, Cycling - Road, Cycling - Track, Diving, Equestrian - Dressage, Equestrian - Eventing, Equestrian - Jumping, Fencing, Football, Gymnastics - Artistic, Gymnastics - Rhythmic, Gymnastics - Trampoline, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Swimming, Synchronised Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water polo, Weightlifting and Wrestling

Monday 7 November 2011

TASK 2: Research, 2012 olimpycs part 1

Bridging the Gap was developed by the British security industry association and North Herfordshire collage. This was formed to create new stewards to protect the bystanders at the Olympics and paralymic games, with this training the people who complete the course can go into door supervision work as well. This is a great opportunity as the pay rate is great and its all self contracted work so you work the hours you want to work. the course is also to provide students with a springboard for future careers in the uniformed services and armed forces.

Briding the Gap qualification provides a wealth of opportunities within the £6 billion security industry that employs approximately half a million people and on average, recruits 60,000 people a year.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Saving & Exporting your Scripts - Celtx

saving work is important and should be done continuously while working and once you have finished working for the time being, even if you have not completed the task, some softwear will auto save every few minuites but i have yet to see celtix do this, so to save you will want to go to file located on the tool bar, save project as, then save it in a area you use.
exporting is simple task to do but do it after saving your work, to export go to scrips on the toolbar and on the dropdown there will be an export script just save it near the saved version just place it as a different name aswell as the format you would like which you do by clicking the bottem drop down bar.

Monday 31 October 2011

usefull tools - celtx

On the script page you have a drop down selection of the eight most common script used data text.
Some basics are that it has a undo - redo and a spell cheek feature which is all ways extremely helpful.
Celtx script writer has a built in google images search, which is faster then using google image search yourself.
you have a notes page as well as a breakdown feature which with a little experimenting i began to relies how use full it is, using the breakdown feature you are able to categorise all the actors to makeup team or even animal handler and many others but this can help you remember who is able to do what.

the two final things I'm going to comment on are, if you pay for the download you gain more tools which will probably help. finally there is a button that looks like a grey curcle with 4 red lines, by pressing it a Internet site will appear in your browser with Celtx FAQs, Support, Usage, About, Celtix script for iPhone/iPad, Celtx Studios and Existing Celtx account holders. where you can find a tone of usefull information.

getting started - celtix.

step one - find the program on your computer, if it is not on there download it.
step two - there are many things celtix can help you with but today we are looking at script writing, so you must click on 'Film' which is located in the 'Project Templates'
step three - on the page the comes up you have access to all th basic help and assistance
step four - there is no better way of starting then just having a go.

Monday 26 September 2011

taks 1, review childrens drama. SJA (updated)

Sarah Janes Adventures - From Raxacoricofallapatorius with love.

The episode im going to review is a red nose day special episode aired on 13/3/2009 as part of the Comic Relief. making Sarah Janes Adventures the first of the six Dr Who spin offs to become success full enough to get a featured video onto the comedy relief which is a great achievement since it was the 3rd spin off.

Sarah Jane Adventures from Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love is a quick cut, fast passed multiple camera production. The episode begins with the Sarah Janes Adventures theme tittle and a very brief part of the theme tune. The first shot  establishes the scene with a mid shot it also tracks round to follow Sarah Jane smith but keeps Luke Smith, Clyde Langer, Rani Chandra and Mr Smith in the background. they are all working away on a set which is very lit up and seems very hi-tech. The next shot is a close up of Sarah Jane’s face while the camera tracks round.

This episode's first line is "right Mr smith, that's everything checked" so everything is ready for there new energy reverse beam, so an episode has begun with a load of new viewers who don't know what is happening as they would not have watched Sarah Jane's Adventures before and this episode must be easy for them to understand, so they have had the characters talk about whats going on, for example Mr smith says, "alert an unknown force is locking onto this attic." So you know whats happening at all times, this is great as children will not be confused.

Then with some fast passed cuts between, mid shots close ups and a extreme close up, with 17 different camera angles in the first 25 seconds. It goes on to a conversation with high and low angle shots to show the power between the two parties the power shifts and the angles shift with the power.

Ronnie Corbett is featured in this episode as a ambassador named Rani his more infamous line was "what a whoot, 'The Two Ronnies' which is a old British sketch program staring Ronnie corbett. This is great as older viewers would think back and remember this funny program and for younger viewers they may think hes being silly to be funny. So all viewers get a quick giggle out of it.

Ronnie Corbett plays his character like his sketch show with a simple joke told over a long period of time and he would forget his line of thought. The program like many children's dramas it contains silly comedy as those bobbling balls on a spring attached to a head band and terrible farting jokes with the rhymes "he who smelt it, dealt it". the episode then continues to a serous part of the plot where Rani is sarcastic about his true identity, "its not as if i have a big zip in my head" and which at that point he unzips a point on his forehead and turns into a Slitheen that seems to be rather short.

Sarah Jane Smith - the oldest of the group, the expert in alien tech, a old companion of the doctor. the hero as it was her sonic lip stick that enabled the burst of energy reversal beam.
Luke Smith - The son/adopted son of Sarah Jane Smith, he plays a main roll but not so largely in this episode he played the roll of the  as he was no help in the escape of the trap.
Clyde Langer - one of the kids who helps, he plays a main roll but is still played to add plot. he can be viewed as the hero as if it wasn't for his quick thinking they would not have managed to escape the trap.
Rani Chandra - the other kid she is cast to add plot too she was like a princess as she needed the help to be freed from the trap and she didn't really do anything to help the escape
Mr Smith - hi-tech computer that's able to think for its self, Mr smith doesn't have a roll as a character type but if i had to give him one id say he was a helper
K-9 Mark IV - a robotic dog very hi-tech, was once the companion of the Doctor so contains information of the future. K-9 try's to help the captured characters which would make him the hero but he it captured to making him a victim hero as its him the Slitheen wants.
Rani - he is a Slitheen but first comes across as a hero making him the false hero.

tittle sequences, the introduction tittle lasts two seconds as this is for a busy charity event all the non-essentials were cut, so you catch a quick glimpse of "The Sarah Jane Adventures" which is written in purple. the background is a red fluctuation of light and a data streaming. the sound is like a hover turning off. the end tittle is a little longer and holds more sound but the imagery is the same with catching 'a quick glimpse of "The Sarah Jane Adventures" which is written in purple. the background is a red fluctuation of light and a data streaming.' but at the end of this one some white circles fly to the front of the screen the sound is different its overly dramatic but is very sci-fi like.

the sound effects are very basic but are placed in layers which creates a continues play through. beeps and bloops are continuouse while they use the concol, a high pitch sound is used when one of the characters is beemed in, other sound affects are appropriatly used and K-9 makes a boing noise at the end which leaves the viewers with a smile and possibly a giggle.

The backing music is very fitting to the clips they are placed with and works well to complement Ronnie Corbett's lines very well increasing his characters influence, the music turns from cheerful to a more scary music background as Ronnie is found out, the music does change to a more heroic sound when K-9 appears, but soon goes back to the creepy music as Ronnie, aka the slitheen begins to win and the mucic continouse to complement him.

my points of code of practise are
in child drama programs there is no nudity allowed, and this is met as all but one character is wearing trousers with long sleeved tops or jackets one character is wearing a short sleeved top. the one point i could argue about is that the slitheen wasn't wearing any clothes and could be viewed as nudity. As for sex appeal i do not see any skimpy clothing or any sexual related actions.

The matter of  death is avoided with a simple trap that stops people from moving and this trap is reversed to save the day, so there isn't any violence. no drugs were taken or even visible on screen so there is no worry of promoting drug use, plus on a previous point since there was no violence there is no gore/horror scenes. there is no foul language or animal cruelty.

The one part i would argue though is the crime the Slitheen try's to commit is a bad one, theft so it sort of counter acts the no serious crimes part of children's drama's, but i guess its ok to bend the rules a little now and again as long as you keep a good moral to the story.

All of the above are unseen and unheard of in children's drama programs as the young mind is easily influenced and if there favourite TV show star is happy beating people up the kids will believe it is alright to do so as well as if they were drink alcohol children may think its cool and will copy it, as the young mind is far to easy to corrupt with simple messages from TV programs or even adverts. the influence can come from drug use, weapon violence or even foul language.

From all of the negative reviews from the parents of the children's, the show would first drop in viewers as parents wouldn't allow there kids to watch and then second be cancelled all together so its bad for producers as they loss money and the next generation of kids are raised badly because of the program but to avoid that rules were laid down so that doesn't happen.

a violation in copyright is a criminal offence since 1988 with the 'Designs and Patents Act'
too lawfully use some Else's footage or images you must first ask their permission, the person who owns the copyright to the products in question. getting the copy right in writing is the safest way to do it, the way you also have a hard copy of your rights to the product. To be safe if you are using the product else where you will want to place a C inside a circle which is the copyright sign but the name of the original owner follows that sign.

according to my other source, copy right does not protect the idea themselves, Copyright law protects the expression of ideas. which i do not fully understand, i believed that Copyright was there to protect music, videos and scripts plus other related products.

Shots used
  1. Establishing shot – commonly, the first shot of a scene and it will be a long shot to establish the inter-relationship of the area and the characters.
  2. close up – commonly a shot of the face showing emotion but can be a close up of anything
  3. mid shot – commonly shows people from waist up for recognition
  4. Extreme close up – used to show detail or emotion as well as to make the viewers feel a little uncomfortable as you feel there is no need to be that close.
  5. Long shot – commonly for action or to follow someone’s activity.
  6. Tilting – the camera remains in a fixed position but moves up or down.
  7. crabbing – also known as a tracking shot when the camera moves sideways to follow the action or to change the scene’s location/travelling
  8. high-angle - looking down from above, shows lack of power, to show the losing side mostly used in conversations
  9. low-angle - looking up from below, shows power or dominance about a character used mostly in conversations
  10. panning – the camera stays in a fixed position and turns left or right

shots not used
1.      Dutch-angle - with the normal vertical axis tilted diagonally
2.      aerial shot – also known as bird’s eye view this is a shot looking down aka from a building or helicopter
3.      arc shot – a shot in which a moving camera circles round the subject being photographed.
4.      crane shot – footage filmed from a elevated position roughly 2nd floor of a house looking into the road.
5.      POV (point of view shot) – to show someone’s point of view aka; what they are seeing
6.      zoom – is to keep the camera in the same location but to focus more closely on one area.;col1

Sunday 25 September 2011

british childrens dramas

This is a list of british made children drama telivistion programs. It does not include foreign-made imports.
the list includes links to wikipedia for a overal information but for more reliable information try searching for it on other sites.

Friday 23 September 2011

character types basic

although there are meny roll's in a film, a play, ect.

you can ussually place the characters in one of the catagorys,
or even more then just one

child drama's code of practice

The NO's in children drama programs.

this list are of all the things you are not allowed to do in a childrens drama as to not currupt there young mind and influence them by accident, influence them in a bad way.

Monday 19 September 2011

allan cameron's modular narratives in contemporary cinema

Cameron's narrative has 4 key points,
anachronic - forking paths - episodic - split screens.

anachronic - is the word for veried order of the scenes such as flash forwards or flash backs they are not viewed in order.

forking paths - a small variation or simple change could greatly affect the outcome,

episodic - no real connection from episode to episode.

split screens - focuses on what you are seeing more then anything else.

task 1

collect background material on childrens drama series on tv. collate the information onto your blog which should include:-
1) a repot on the conventions of genre (form & content)*
2) a report on the narrative and characterisation used in the episode of childrens drama of your choice*
3) information on a relevenat code of practuce
4) copyright and health and safty issues
5) bibliography and information trail*

describe - in x there is an excelent example of, x uses ovious transitions like,
analyse - it does the becouse
evaluate - it successful becouse, however it also could be argued that

Thursday 15 September 2011

communication skills

To discuss the dos and don’ts in a presentation and communications
To learn about the different question types
To create a presentable ‘debate / discussion.
To type up notes on your blogs and continue looking at children’s drama’s

Maintain good eye contact
Don’t Mumble
Speak load and clear
Don’t Speak to quickly
Appropriate language
Bad handout, condition/information
Question time
Don’t read info of screen
Relevant pictures
no long pauses
Correct grammar
Don’t go off topic
Be prepared
Don’t look at the ground


Question types
“Tell me about…”
“What do you understand by…?”
“Why do you find ‘x’ interesting?”
“Can you give me an example of…?”
“What differences do you have between ‘x’ and ‘y’?”
“What do you think about…?”
“What are the advantages/disadvantages of…?”

Why, what, where, when, who, how?