Monday 31 October 2011

usefull tools - celtx

On the script page you have a drop down selection of the eight most common script used data text.
Some basics are that it has a undo - redo and a spell cheek feature which is all ways extremely helpful.
Celtx script writer has a built in google images search, which is faster then using google image search yourself.
you have a notes page as well as a breakdown feature which with a little experimenting i began to relies how use full it is, using the breakdown feature you are able to categorise all the actors to makeup team or even animal handler and many others but this can help you remember who is able to do what.

the two final things I'm going to comment on are, if you pay for the download you gain more tools which will probably help. finally there is a button that looks like a grey curcle with 4 red lines, by pressing it a Internet site will appear in your browser with Celtx FAQs, Support, Usage, About, Celtix script for iPhone/iPad, Celtx Studios and Existing Celtx account holders. where you can find a tone of usefull information.

getting started - celtix.

step one - find the program on your computer, if it is not on there download it.
step two - there are many things celtix can help you with but today we are looking at script writing, so you must click on 'Film' which is located in the 'Project Templates'
step three - on the page the comes up you have access to all th basic help and assistance
step four - there is no better way of starting then just having a go.